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This study attempt that the world is greatly dependent on fossil fuels for most of its energy requirements are achieved by conventional methods of burning these fuels. The energy demand is increasing day by day with growing population. The energy production from fossil fuels is contaminating the environment.

And threatened the life of human being in the globe. The renewable energy technologies are necessary to ensure the future energy production and solve the energy shortage and other environmental issue to give clean energy. The ocean is a great source of renewable energy. The technology that develops in the current period are possible to extract energy from waves. The growing interest in discovering tidal current technologies has compelling reasons such as security and diversity of supply, intermittent but predictable and limited social and environmental impacts. The purpose of this study is to present a complete review of tidal current technologies to harness ocean energy to produce enough power from ocean current. The ocean energy resources are presented. The tidal current turbines are discussed in detail and today‘s popular tidal current technologies and to  check the efficiency by varying the shutter inside the blades from studying different research paper we conclude that the shutter of small sizes are more efficient than large sizes so. I am going to increase the number of shutter and the present develop prototype model the shutter number are ten and we worked to increase this to fifteen.

Keywords: Diffuser augmented tidal current turbine, open/naked turbine, shrouded/ducted turbine, tidal current device, tidal current turbine, and tidal energy.


I declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own, except where explicitly stated otherwise. In addition this work has not been submitted to obtain another degree or professional qualification.


I and my group members would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Liaquat Ali Najmi, Associate Professor, and Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering for allowing me to undertake this work.I am grateful to my supervisors Kamran Saeed Junior lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering for his continuous guidance, advice effort and invertible suggestion throughout the project.I am also grateful Dr. Zahid Iqbal Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering for providing me the logistic support and his valuable suggestion to carry out my project successful.Lastly, I would  like to express my sincere appreciation to my parents for encouraging and supporting me throughout the study.


I dedicate this study to my family. Throughout this educational journey. I have had the loving and unconditional support. My father, mother and my whole family supported me with prayers, encouraging words that gave me strength to make this dream a reality.

Completing this educational journey is a true blessing and GOD be the Glory! This success has not been achieved in isolation, and I am grateful to all those who provided prayers and support, contribution of time, and guiding the education journey in last I am grateful to my family and friends for their inspiration, patience, love and understanding. May GOD bless all of you!

Tableof Contents

Chapter 1............................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2............................................................................................................................. 18
Literature Review................................................................................................................. 18
3.2  Metal Shaft:................................................................................................................ 26
3.2.1 Material.................................................................................................................... 26
5.1.2  Power for 2nd Flow Rate.......................................................................................... 43

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Ocean Energy Turbine.................................................................... 4

Figure 1.2 Single Basin Barrage...................................................................... 5

Figure 1.3 Double Basin Barrage..................................................................... 6

Figure 1.4 System used in Shallow water........................................................ 8

Figure 1.5 System used in Deep water............................................................ 8

Figure 1.6 Vertical Axis Turbine..................................................................... 9

Figure 1.7 Vertical Axis Turbine in Commissioning........................................ 9

Figure 1.8 Schematic Diagram of OWC........................................................ 12

Figure 1.9 OWC in Operating....................................................................... 12

Figure 1.10 The Pelamis................................................................................. 12

Figure 1.11 Schematic Diagram of Dragon Wave......................................... 14

Figure 1.12 Dragon wave Diagram in Operating........................................... 14

Figure 1.13 Schematic Diagram of AWS...................................................... 15

Figure 1.14 AWS in Operating...................................................................... 15

Figure 1.15 Schematic Diagram of McCabe Wave Pump............................. 15

Figure 1.16 Schematic Diagram of Power Buoy........................................... 16

Figure 1.17 Power Buoy in Operating........................................................... 16

Figure 1.18 Schematic Diagram of Aqua Buoy............................................. 17

Figure 1.19 Aqua Buoy in Operating............................................................ 17

Figure 4.1 Hand Layup Process of Glass Fiber............................................. 33

Figure 4.2 Hand Layup Process..................................................................... 34

Figure 4.3 for Strip Width 2.4 Inch............................................................... 35

Figure 4.4 for Strip Width 4.8 Inch............................................................... 35

Figure 4.5 Thickness of Strip......................................................................... 35

Figure 4.6 Cutting of Fiber............................................................................ 36

Figure 4.7 Mild steel shaft with ball bearing................................................. 36

Figure 4.8 Cad Model of Wooden Shaft....................................................... 37

Figure 4.9 Roughing of Wooden Shaft......................................................... 37

Figure 4.10 Spur Gear.................................................................................... 38

Figure 4.11 Internal Gear(spur gear).............................................................. 38

Figure 4.12 Metal Cutting............................................................................. 39

Figure 4.13 Hinges and Locks....................................................................... 40

Figure 4.14 Hinges and Locks on Wooden Shaft......................................... 40

Figure 4.15 Bearing and Housing.................................................................. 41

Figure 4.16 Dynamometer............................................................................. 42

Figure 4.17 Dynamometer............................................................................. 42

List of Tables

Table 2.1 D. P. Coiro..................................................................................... 21

Table 2.2 B. Yang X.W.shu........................................................................... 22

Table 2.3 Jai N. Goundar............................................................................... 23

Table 2.4 Noor Rahman, Saeed Bad Shah.................................................... 24

Table 3.1 Some Common Fiber Glass Types................................................. 27

Table 3.2 Chemical composition of Mild Steel.............................................. 29

Table 3.3 Physical Properties of Mild Steel................................................... 29

Table 3.4 Mechanical Properties of Mild Steel.............................................. 29

Table 4.1 Raw Material Used in Hand Layup Process.................................. 34

List of Graphs

Graph 5.1 Graph between Power Vs Flow Rate........................................... 48

Graph 6.1 Expected Tidal Development until 2018...................................... 57

Graph 6.2 Expected Wave Development until 2018..................................... 57


WEC = Wave Energy Conversion

PV=  Photovoltaic

TWH = Terawatt Hours

OWC = Oscillating Water Column AWS = Archimedes Wave Spring RPM = Revolution Per Minute

C= Coefficient of Earth Bottom

Q      = Flowrate

V = Volume

Cp= Water Coefficient of Water Turbine ARENA = Australian Renewable Energy Agency CAPEX = Capital Expenditure

CRI = Commercial Readiness Index DOE = US Department of Energy EC = European Commission

EII = European Industrial Initiative

ENR = Syndicate des Energies Renouvelables

ETI= Energy Technologies Institute

EU = European Union

EVE = Ente Vasco de la Energia FAI = Fundo de Apoio à Inovação HAT = Horizontal-axis turbines

IEC = International Electro Technical Commission

JRC = Joint Research Centre

KPIs = Key Performance Indicators

LCOE = Levelised Cost of Energy

MEAD = Marine Energy Array Demonstrator

MRCF = Marine Renewables Commercialization Fund

MRPF = Marine Renewables Proving Fund NREAPs = National Renewable Energy Action Plans OEM= Original Equipment Manufacturers

OPEX = Operational Expenditure

OTEC = Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

PTO = Power Take-Off

R&D = Research and Development

RD&D = Research, Development and Demonstration

REIF = Renewable Energy Investment Fund

ROCs = Renewable Obligation Certificates

SEAI = Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland, See SET-Plan = Strategic Energy Technologies Plan TEC = Tidal Energy Converter

TIP = European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy

TRLs = Technology Readiness Levels

WEC = Wave Energy Converter

1.1  Turbine

Chapter 1 Introduction

A turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful  work. The device in which the kinetic, potential and intermolecular energy is held by the fluid is converted in the form of mechanical energy of rotating member is known as a turbine. Also  define as all machines in which hydraulic energy is transferred into mechanical energy (in the form of rotating shaft) or in the some other moving parts are known as turbines.A turbine is         a turbo machine with at least one moving part called a rotor assembly, which is a shaft or drum with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the blades so that they move and impart rotational energy to the rotor. The work produced by a turbine can be used for generating electrical power when combined with a generator. Pacific island countries, imported fossil fuel or petroleum is the primary source for the commercial energy needs. Most isolated islands in pacific use petroleum for transportation and electricity need. Renewable energy resources are abundant in Pacific island countries, and offer a good alternative energy source. The ocean offers a large energy source, for example wave energy, ocean thermal energy, and tidal energy that is yet to be significantly tapped.[1]

1.1.1    Background

The first known patent to use energy from ocean waves dates back to 1799, and was filed in Paris by Girard and his son. An early application of wave power was a device constructed around 1910 by Bochaux-Praceique to light and power his house at Rayan, near Bordeaux in France. It appears that this was the first oscillating water-column type of wave-energy device. From 1855 to 1973 there were already 340 patents filed in the UK alone. A renewed interest in wave energy was motivated by the oil crisis in 1973.
Stephen Salter's 1974 invention became known as Salter's duck or nodding duck, although it was officially referred to as the Edinburgh Duck. In small scale controlled tests, the Duck's curved cam-like body can stop 90% of wave motion and can convert 90% of that to electricity giving 81% efficiency.
In the 1980s, as the oil price went down, wave-energy funding was drastically reduced. Nevertheless, a few first-generation prototypes were tested at sea. More recently, following the issue  of  climate  change,  there  is  again  a  growing  interest  worldwide  for  renewable energy,

including wave energy.Early, heated by plate tectonics. This material was not buried deep enough to contain basic carbon.[2]

1.2  Ocean Energy Turbine

Ocean energy is a term used to describe renewable energy derived from the sea, including ocean wave energy, tidal and open-ocean current energy (sometimes called marine hydrokinetic energy)
.The technologies to convert the other ocean energy resources into electricity, including Deepwater offshore wind technology, albeit in their infancies, exist. These technologies are ready for full-scale prototype and early commercialization testing at sea. The oceans are an untapped resource, capable of making a major contribution to our future energy needs. In the search for a non-polluting, renewable energy source. Ocean current turbines are basically the hydro power turbines which extract energy from ocean current. The ocean hides a huge useful energy more than from the wind energy, because the density of the water is 800 times greater than the air density, it is about 3 times greater than the air/wind density. Obviously the speed of the ocean water is lower that the wind speed, but its density makes its kinetic energy greater than the wind kinetic ocean energy turbine has two types.[3]

Figure 1.1 Ocean Energy Turbine

1.2.1    Types of Turbines  Tidal Energy Turbines

The tides are cyclic variations in the level of seas and oceans. In effect, the tides represent the planetary manifestation of the potential and kinetic energy fluxes present in the Earth–Moon–Sun system. This results in some regions of the world possessing substantially higher local tidal variation than others. There are two different means to harness tidal energy. The first is to exploit the cyclic rise and fall of the sea level using barrages and the second is to harness local tidal currents, analogous to wind power also called ‗marine current turbine.[4]  Tidal Barrage Methods

Currently several places in the world are producing electricity from tides. The biggest tidal barrage power plant is located in La Rance, France. It has been operating since 1966, generates 240MW. Thanks to a road crossing of the estuary, the financial profitability is guaranteed. Other operational barrage sites are in Nova Scotia (20MW), near Murmansk, Russia (0.4MW) and the Eastern seaboard of China (3.2MW).Principle of operation an estuary or bay with a large natural tidal range is artificially enclosed with a barrier. Electrical energy is produced by allowing water to flow from one side of the barrage to the other. To generate electricity, tides go through low- head turbines. There are a variety of modes of operation. These can be broken down initially into single basin schemes or multiple basin schemes. The simplest of these are the single basin schemes.[5]  Single Basin Barrage

It requires a single barrage across the estuary. That involves a combination of sluices which when open can allow water to flow relatively freely through the barrage and gated turbines. These gates can be opened to allow water to flow through the turbines to generate electricity.[6]

Figure 1.2 Single Basin Barrage  Ebb Generation Mode

Ebb generation depends on the height of the tides. At high tide, water is retained behind the barrage by the sluices. At low tides, water flows reverse out through the turbine.  [7]  Double Basin Systems

Double basin systems allow for storage (adjusting the power output to demand of consumers). The main basin behaves like the Ebb generation mode.[6]

Figure1.3 Double Basin System

1.2.2    Marine Current Turbine

Tidal stream generators harness energy from currents generally in the same way as wind turbines. The higher density of water, 832 times the density of air, means that a single generator can provide significant power at low tidal flow velocities (compared with wind speed). Given that power varies with the density of medium and the cube of velocity, it is simple to see that water speeds of nearly one-tenth of the speed of wind provide the same power for the same size of turbine system. However, this limits the application in practice to places where the tide moves at speeds of at least 2 knots (1m/s), even close to neap tides (tide range is at a minimum). Ocean current resources are likely limited to the Florida Current, which flows between Florida and the Bahamas. Estimates of the energy present in the Florida Current date back to the mid-1970s, when the use of this resource for electricity generation was first proposed. While these early studies indicate an energy flux potential of as much as 25,000 MW through a single cross- sectional area, the amount of energy that could be extracted is uncertain, primarilybecause ofconcerns that reducing the energy in this portion of the Gulf Stream could have negative environmental consequences. Early modeling suggested that an array of turbines totaling 10,000 MW of capacity would not reduce the current's speed by more than what has been observed as its natural variation, and thus might be feasible (Lissaman and Radkey 1979; Charlier and Justus 1993). Further investigation is required to determine the magnitude of the technically available resource. Since tidal stream generators are an untested technology, no commercial scale production facilities are yet routinely supplying power; no standard technology has yet emerged. A large variety of designs are being experimented with, some very close to large scale deployment. Several prototypes have shown promise with many companies, but they have not

operated commercially for extended periods to establish performances and rates of return on investments.Two kinds of footings exist for the deep water installations. Conventionally the fixed systems are useful for shallow water sites, moored systems for deep water. The European Marine Energy Centre categorizes those under three headings.[8]    Axial Turbines

Axial turbines are close in concept to traditional windmills, operating under the sea and have the most prototypes currently operating. These include:
·         Kvalsund, south of Hammerfest, Norway. Although still a prototype, a turbine with a reported capacity of 300 kW was connected to the grid on 13 Nov. 2003.
·         A 300 kW period flow marine current propeller type turbine — Seaflow — was installed by Marine Current Turbines off the coast of Lyn mouth, Devon, England, in 2003. The  11 meter diameter turbine generator was fitted to a steel pile which was driven into the seabed. As a prototype, it was connected to a dump load, not to the grid.
·         Since April 2007, Verdant Power has been running a prototype project in the East River between Queens and Roosevelt Island in New York City; it was the first major tidal- power project in the United States. The strong currents pose challenges to the design: the blades of the 2006 and 2007 prototypes broke off, and new reinforced turbines were installed in September 2008.
·         Following the Seaflow trial, a full-size prototype, called SeaGen, was installed by Marine Current Turbines in Strangford Lough in Northern Ireland in April 2008. The turbine began to generate at full power of 1.2 MW in December, 2008, and was reported to have fed 150 kW into the grid for the first time on July 17, 2008. It is currently the  only commercial scale device to have been installed anywhere in the world.
·         Open Hydro, an Irish company exploiting the Open-Centre Turbine developed in the U.S., has a prototype being tested at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), in Orkney, Scotland.
·         A prototype semi-submerged floating tethered tidal turbine called Evopod has been tested since June 2008 in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland at 1/10th scale. The company developing it is called Ocean Flow Energy Ltd, and they are based in the UK in Newcastle upon Tyne.[9]

Figure1.4 System Used in Shallow Water

Figure1.5 System Used in Deep Water    Vertical and Horizontal Axis Cross-Flow Turbines

Vertical and horizontal axis cross-flow turbines can be deployed either vertically or horizontally.

·         The Gorlov turbine is a variant of a helical design which is being commercially piloted on a large scale in South Korea.
·         Neptune Renewable Energy has developed Proteus which uses a barrage of vertical axis crossflow turbines for use mainly in estuaries.
·         In late April 2008, Ocean Renewable Power Company, LLC (ORPC) successfully completed the testing of its proprietary turbine-generator unit (TGU) prototype at ORPC‘s Cobscook Bay and Western Passage tidal sites near Eastport, Maine. The TGU is the core of the OCGen technology and utilizes advanced design crossflow (ADCF) turbines to drive a permanent magnet generator located between the turbines and mounted on the same shaft. ORPC has developed TGU designs that can be used for generating power from river, tidal and deep water ocean currents.[4]

Figure 1.6 Vertical axis TurbineFigure 1.7 Vertical axis Turbine in Commissioning    Venturi Effect Designs

The Venturi effect uses a shroud to increase the flow rate through the turbine. These can be mounted horizontally or vertically.[10]
·         The Australian company Tidal Energy Pty Ltd undertook successful commercial trials of highly efficient shrouded tidal turbines on the Gold Coast, Queensland in 2002. Tidal Energy has commenced a rollout of their shrouded turbine for a remote community in northern Australia where there are some of the fastest water flows ever recorded (11 m/s, 21 knots) – two small turbines provide 3.5 MW.
·         Another larger 5 meter diameter turbine, capable of 800 kW in 4 m/s of flow, was planned for deployment as a tidal powered desalination showcase near Brisbane, Australia in October 2008.
·         Another device, the Hydro Venturi, was tested in San Francisco Bay.
·         Trials in the Strait of Messina, Italy, started in 2001 of the Kobold concept.    Commercial Plans

The world's first commercial tidal stream generator — SeaGen — is in Strangford Lough. The strong wake demonstrates its power in the tidal current.
·         RWE's npower announced that its partnership with Marine Current Turbines to build a tidal farm of SeaGen turbines off the coast of Anglesey in Wales.
·         In November 2007, British company Lunar Energy announced that, in conjunction with E.ON,  they  would  be  building  the  world's  first  tidal  energy  farm  off  the  coast   of

Pembrokeshire in Wales. It will be the world's first deep-sea tidal energy farm and will provide electricity for 5,000 homes.
·         Eight underwater turbines, each 25 meters long and 15 meters high, are installed on the sea bottom off St. David's peninsula. Construction started in the summer of 2008, and  the proposed tidal energy turbines, described as "a wind farm under the sea", should be operational by 2010.
·         British Columbia Tidal Energy Corp. plans to deploy at least three 1.2 MW turbines in the Campbell River or in the surrounding coastline of British Columbia, Canada by 2009.
·         The organization Alderney Renewable Energy Ltd is planning to use tidal turbines to extract power from the notoriously strong tidal flows around Alderney UK in the Channel Islands. It is estimated that up to 3GW could be extracted. This would not only supply the island's needs but also allow a considerable surplus for export.
·         Nova Scotia Power has selected Open Hydro‘s turbine for a tidal energy demonstration project in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada and Alderney Renewable Energy Ltd for the supply of tidal turbines in the Channel Islands.    Potential Sites

As with wind power, selection of location is critical for use with the tidal turbines. Tidal stream systems need to be located in areas with fast currents where natural flows are concentrated between obstructions, for example, at the entrances to bays and rivers, around rocky points, headlands, or between islands or other land masses. The following potential sites are under  serious consideration:[11]
·         Pembroke shire and River Severn in Wales.
·         Kaipara Harbour and Cook Strait in New Zealand. - Bay of Fundy in Canada.
·         East River in New York City and Piscataqua River in New Hampshire.
·         Golden Gate in the San Francisco Bay.
·         The Race of Alderney and the Swinge in the Channel Islands.

1.2.3 Wave Energy

Ocean waves represent a form of renewable energy created by wind currents passing over open water. Capturing the energy of ocean waves in offshore locations has been demonstrated as technically feasible. Also, basic research to develop improved designs of wave energy conversion (WEC) devices is being conducted in regions such as near the Oregon coast, which is a high wave energy resource (Rhinefrank 2005). Compared with other forms of offshore renewable energy,

such as solar photovoltaic (PV), wind, or ocean current, wave energy is continuous but highly variable, although wave levels at a given location can be confidently predicted several days in advance. As with many clean technologies, wave energy development began during the 70s, in response to that oil crisis. The problem with wave energy has been its low profitability, and so it has been difficult to reach commercial application. It is only since the mid-90s that these technologies have found a new lease from several small companies in Norway and the UK. Wave energy represents a concentrated form of energy like solar energy. Solar power of 100W/m2 corresponds to over 1000kW/m2 of wave crest length. The power of waves depends on the wind; the most regular wind, and thus the most workable wave power, is generated between 30 and 60 degree of latitude. The largest potential is located in deep water. For example in UK, a wave loses two-third of its power when it reaches shallow water (at 20m). Topographic studies allow us to know  the  sea  bed  and  thus  to  infer  high  potential  areas;  hot  spots‖  are  concentrated  on  the shoreline. One other positive point is the congruence between production and consumption; the peak of production is observed during the winter as is the requirement for electricity. Average annual wave power levels as kW/m of wave front are shown in Figure 4 below. The total annual average wave energy off the U.S. coastlines (including Alaska and Hawaii), calculated at a water depth of 60 m has been estimated (Bedard et al. 2005) at 2,100 Terawatt-hours (TWh) per year. Estimates of the worldwide economically recoverable wave energy resource are in the range of 140 to 750 TWh/yr. for existing wave-capturing technologies that have become fully mature. With projected long-term technical improvements, this could be increased by a factor of 2 to 3. The fraction of the total wave power that is economically recoverable in U.S. offshore regions has not been estimated, but is significant even if only a small fraction of the 2,100 TWh/yr. available is captured. (Currently, approximately 11,200 TWh/yr. of primary energy is required to meet total
U.S. electrical demand.) Wave energy conversion devices have the greatest potential for applications at islands such as Hawaii because of the combination of the relatively high ratio of available shoreline per unit energy requirement, availability of greater unit wave energies due to trade winds, and the relatively high costs of other local energy sources.[12]    Types of Wave Energy Technology

Many systems have been developed. Some have stayed at the R&D stage while others work on the shoreline. Several ways to harness energy from waves have been developed and are described below.[13]    Oscillating Water Column (OWC)

This device is based on the pressure of the enclosed air in a cavity (column of air). The pressure  of air varies as a function of the level of water in this cavity. The higher the level of water, the greater the air pressure. The air located in the chamber is drained off through a generator (Wells turbine). The advantage is that OWC can be used in both directions, ascent and descent of wave. However, the Wells turbine needs energy to get started. Two of these systems are placed in Scotland by Wavegen and in Australia. Each one represents 500kW.[14]

Figure 1.8 Schematic Diagram of OWC       Figure1.9 OWC in Operating    The Pelamis

The Pelamis system looks like a ‗sea snake.‘ It is a succession of floated empty segments in 50m or more water depth. The segments are linked to each other‘s by hinged joints. The energy is produced when a wave runs on the length of the systems. Joints, connected to pump oil and to a hydraulic generator (smoothing systems), allow movement between each section and produce electricity as the wave moves by.[15]

Figure 1.10the Pelamis

·      Main features about the Pelamis:

1.      Overall length = 390x220m

2.      Diameter = 14000 m3

3.      Overall power rating = 0.75MW

4.      Nominal wave power = 55kW/m

5.      Annual power production = 2.7GWh

6.      Water depth = >50m    The Wave Dragon

The wave dragon is a system that temporarily stores water in a reservoir before falling into a turbine; in this way it is transformed into electricity. The waves reach the reservoir by way of a ramp. After going through an alternator, the water is released to the source. This means of generation can be comparable to a dam with three steps: absorption, storage and power take off. The design is very complex (requiring optimization of overtopping, adapting of mooring system, reducing the effect of wave force…). It utilizes the potential of waves directly and does not use the motion. On the other hand, this system has several advantages, especially its sturdiness. Like the Pelamis, this device does not need the shore and can be set up in ocean zones with high potential waves (with no losses of energy because of the coastal area), and even in extreme environments.[16]
The Wave Dragon unit produces electricity corresponding to the average annual wave power map, to:
I.            in a 24kW/m wave climate = 12 GWh/year
II.              in a 36kW/m wave climate = 20 GWh/year
III.            in a 48kW/m wave climate = 35 GWh/year
IV.            in a 60kW/m wave climate = 43 GWh/year
V.            in a 72kW/m wave climate = 52 GWh/year
·         Main features about the largest Wave Dragon:
1.      Width and length = 390x220m
2.      Reservoir = 14,000 m3
3.      Rated power/unit = 11MW
4.      Annual power production/unit = 35GWh
5.      Water depth = >30m

Figure 1.11Schematic diagram of wave DragFigure1.12 the wave Dragon in operating    The Archimedes Wave Swing (AWS)

The Archimedes Wave Swing wave energy converter is a cylindrical buoy which is moored on the seabed. The working procedure is based on the principle of the float (Archimedes). The only moving part is an air-filled floater. Waves create an ‗up and down‘ movement due to applied pressure on the floater which is located in a lower fixed cylinder. The buoyancy is ensured by the pressure and depression applied on the air-filled chamber. Thanks to a linear generator based in the cylinder, this movement is converted into electricity and then transmitted to the shore.[17]
Furthermore, the following characteristics are required for optimal use:

·      Location exposed to ocean swells - e.g. western coast of British Isles, Ireland, France, Spain or Portugal
·      40 - 100m of water depth outside of  main commercial shipping lanes
·      Secure electricity power grid onshore
·      Industrial port within 12 hours sailing time
·      Sea-bed suitable for laying power cables to shore

Each unit is currently rated at 1.2 Megawatts, equal to the electrical demand of approximately  500 households‘ energy. The first AWS machine was installed off Orkney in 2007 by AWS Ocean Energy with eventual plans to create a 100-machine wave park at a cost of £250 million.

Figure1.13 Schematic Diagram of AWS      Figure 1.14 the AWS in Operating    The McCabe Wave Pump

The McCabe Wave Pump has three pontoons linearly hinged together and pointed parallel to the wave direction. The center pontoon is attached to a submerged damper plate, which causes it to remain still relative to fore and aft pontoons. Hydraulic pumps attached between the center and end pontoons are activated as the waves force the end pontoons up and down. The pressurized hydraulic fluid can be used to drive a motor generator (rated at 250–500 kW) or to pressurize water for desalinization. A full-size 40m prototype was tested off the coast of Ireland in 1996, and commercial devices are being offered by the manufacturer.[18]

Fig 1.15 Schematic Diagram of the McCabe Wave Pump    The Power Buoy

The device is a prototype system including a submerged buoy (1m below the level of water). Inside the buoy, a piston follows the movement of the waves‘ rise and fall to output energy from the internal generator (immobile part). Then electricity is sent to shore by an underwater cable as is the case with all previous devices. In 2005, a demonstration unit was set up and rated 40kW.   In 2007, a commercial-scale system was planned in Spain for 1.25MW. [19]

Figure1.16 Schematic diagram of Power BuoyFigure1.17 Power Buoy in Operating    The Aqua Buoy

The Aqua Buoy Wave Energy Conversion is being developed by the Aqua Energy Group, Ltd. It is a point absorber that is the third generation of two Swedish designs that utilize wave energy to pressurize a fluid that is then used to drive a turbine generator. The vertical movement of the  buoy drives a broad, neutrally buoyant disk acting as a water piston contained in a long tube beneath the buoy. The water piston motion in turn elongates and relaxes a hose containing seawater, and the change in hose volume acts as a pump to pressurize the seawater. The Aqua Buoy design has been tested using a full-scale prototype, and a 1-MW pilot offshore demonstration power plant is being developed offshore at Makah Bay, Washington. The Makah Bay demonstration will include four units rated at 250 kW placed 5.9 km (3.2 nautical miles) offshore in water approximately 46 meters deep.[20]

Figure1.18 Schematic diagram of Aqua Buoy  Figure1.19 Aqua Buoy in operating

1.2.4    Tidal and Wave Power    Advantages

The advantages for using tidal and wave energy over different fossil fuels are plentiful. Below are several impressive benefits of using tidal and wave energy, including the factor of replacing a percentage of fossil fuel use.
·         Highly efficient resource: compared with coal and oil at 30%, tidal power efficiency is about 80%.
·         Energy capturing and conversion mechanism may help protect the shoreline.
·         Energy capturing and conversion mechanism has little visual impact.
·         About 60 billion watts of energy from tides can be used for electricity generation.
·         Tides are active 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.    Disadvantages

·         It can only be used where there is suitable tidal flow or wave motion. So it cannot be used inland, unless high-voltage transmission already exists onshore
·         It only produces electricity during tidal surges.
·         Barrage systems require salt resistant parts and higher maintenance costs.
·         The frames of the turbine device can disrupt the movement of large marine animals and ships through the channels on which the barrage is built.

·         Power produced from tidal fences is still a bit more expensive than that using conventional plants using coal and natural gas (but it can be cheaper if improved technologies and large-scale generation is applied).
·         The barrage systems have the disadvantages of disrupting fish migration and killing fish passing through the turbines, therefore, there is also the risk of destruction of an ecosystem that relies on the ebb and flow of tides.
·         The ecosystem is disrupted during the construction of building the tidal fence. This affects the fish and also the fishermen whose livelihood depends on fishing.
·         Tidal energy can only be created on a coast with a good tidal differential. Thus it cannot be used for a landlocked country.
·         It is limited because the tide never speeds up or slows down and occurs in 6 hour cycles. Also, it is dependent on the fetch distance. This is the distance the tide rises and falls, so some beaches have a very small fetch, and others have a big fetch, but relatively few have a large enough fetch to support tidal energy.
·         The main detriment is the cost of these plants. Constructing and running this facility with an annual output of 3500 GWh, is at a cost about $1.2 billion, and this doesn't include operational and maintenance cost (coal and oil are cheaper).
·           Construction of strong, cheap and efficient conversion devices may be problematic.
·         Ecological impacts relating to the alteration of tides and waves is not fully understood.
·         Appropriate waves and tides are highly location dependent.
·         Waves are a diffuse energy source, irregular in direction, durability and size.
·         Extreme weather can produce waves of great intensity.
·         Only around 20 sites in the world have been identified as possible tidal power stations.


Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Several common points to these three main technologies stand out.
The positive aspects of using ocean energy are:

·         Reduction in the dependence on fossil fuels.
·         Source of energy is free, renewable and clean.
·         Clean electricity is produced with no production of greenhouse gas or pollution (liquid  or solid).
·         Energy produced is free once the initial costs are recovered.
·         These technologies are renewable sources of energy.

The negative aspects of using ocean energy are:

·         At present, electricity produced would cost more than electricity generated from fossil fuels at their current costs.
·         It leads to the displacement of wild life habitats.
·         Technologies are not fully developed.
·         Problems exist with the transport of electricity to onshore loads.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Literature Review:
{1} Todd Janca (2014): -Janca plans to build a production-scale turbine with a 100-foot (30 meters) wingspan (and ultimately, much larger ones). Janca estimates that one of these turbines could generate 13.5 megawatts of electricity— enough to power 13,500 high-use American homes, he said. In comparison, a wind turbine with rotor blades that measure 155 feet (47 meters) across generates about 600 kilowatts of electricity, but for about 10 hours a day, Janca said — enough to power only 240 homes. Suffice it to say, there's a lot of energy under the waves.

{2}Takamatsu (1991):-For vertical axis turbine (or cross-flow turbine), its axis is perpendicular to incident flow. One of the best-known examples of vertical axis turbines Darrius type current turbine, which has three or four thin blades with hydrofoil cross-section.Some stand- alone prototypes had been tested under laboratory conditions.[21] Gorlov (1995):-Another kind of vertical axis turbine is called Gorlov‘s turbine which differs considerably from conventional turbines and is believed to have excellent ability to efficiently generate power from low-head hydro marine current.[22] Dai (2010):-By means of improved 2D CFD simulation, Dai succeeded in predicting the performance of a Darrius current turbine.[23]



Publish ed Year





Experiments on Horizontal and Vertical Axis
Water Turbines for Harnessing Marine Currents: Technological and Economical Aspects.[24]

ER 9th 2007

D. P. Coiro


ρ = 1000 Kg/m3
V = 2 m/s A=D*H (Vertical
Turbine)For Water, Only 1 square meter (11.1 square feet)

When Velocity=3m/s then power generated 3.3KW

For Air, When Velocity=28m/s then power generated 3.3KW

       3 Straight Blades.

       Rotor diameter=6m

       Sea depth=18 – 25 m

Efficiency = 25%


       Horiz ontal Axis (MCT
, UK)
Total Cost/ Kw=8 000 $

Power =300 (kW)

       Vertic al Axis (Kobo ld, IT)

Total Cost/Kw=240 0 $

Power=160 (kW)

Table 2.1   D. P. Coiro



Publish ed Year



Materi al


Hydrofoil optimization and experimental validation in helical vertical axis
turbine for power generation from marinecurrent. [25]


B. Yang, X.W. Shu

b is length of
blade chord, D diameter of turbine, H height of turbine and 𝜍  is
turbine solidity, which can greatly affect turbine performance
(Gorlov, 1998b) and is define
𝜍 =
where, Z is number of blades

Organic Glass

The kinetic energy becomes negligibly small part in water head and the main task of a conventional turbine is to efficiently transfer high- density pressure energy to mechanical energy.

Table 2.2B. Yang, X.W. Shu



Publishe d Year




Design of a horizontal axis tidal current turbine.[26]


Jai N. Goundar, M.
Rafiuddi n Ahmed

Turbine design parameters and operating condition

       Velocity at various angles of attack depending on the blade parameters.

       . The lift and drag forces acting on the hydrofoils.

       A horizontal axis tidal current turbine is designed for a current speed of 2m/s.

       The 3-bladed turbine has a diameter of 10 m

       . The maximum power is 150 kW and the maximum efficiency is 47.5%.

Table 2.3 Jai N. Goundar, M. Rafiuddin Ahmed



Publish ed Year





Computati onal Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Composite Ocean current Turbine Blade.[27]


Noor Rehman, Saeed Badshah

       Angle of Attack

       The velocity of the ocean water is not the same elsewhere in the ocean. Its velocity is high at the ocean surface and decreases as we go deeper in the ocean.

       Core of the turbine blade is made from honeycomb polyurethane.

       shell/skin is made from carbon epoxy

          webs are made from Glass epoxy

•     1.7
m/sec ocean current velocity Generate 41.54K W

          In case of 2.5 m/sec ocean current velocity the Ocean current turbine can generate up to 131.36 KW

Table 2.4 Noor Rehman, Saeed Badshah

Chapter 3

Material Selection

3.1   Material Used:

3.1.1  Glass Fiber

Fiberglass (or fiberglass) is a type of fiber-reinforced plastic where the reinforcement fiber is specifically glass fiber. The glass fiber may be randomly arranged, flattened into a sheet (called a chopped strand mat), or woven into a fabric. The plastic matrix may be a thermoset polymer matrix – most often based on thermosetting polymers such as epoxy, polyester  resin,  or vinyl ester - or a thermoplastic. The glass fibers are made of various types of glass depending upon the fiberglass use. These glasses all contain silica or silicate, with varying amounts of oxides of calcium, magnesium, and sometimes boron. To be used in fiberglass, glass fibers have to be made with very low levels of defects. Fiberglass is a strong lightweight material and is used for many products. Although it is not as strong and stiff as composites based on carbon fiber, it is less brittle, and its raw materials are much cheaper. Its bulk strength and weight are also better than many metals, and it can be more readily molded into complex shapes. Applications of fiberglass include aircraft, boats, automobiles, bath tubs and enclosures, swimming pools, hot tubs, septic tanks, water tanks, roofing, pipes, cladding, casts, surfboards, and external door skins.
Other common names for fiberglass are glass-reinforced plastic (GRP), glass-fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) or GFK (from German: Glasfaserverstärkter Kunststoff). Because glass fiber itself is sometimes referred to as "fiberglass", the composite is also called "fiberglass reinforced plastic." This article will adopt the convention that "fiberglass" refers to the complete glass fiber reinforced composite material, rather than only to the glass fiber within it.

3.1.2  Properties of Glass Fiber

An individual structural glass  fiber  is  both  stiff  and  strong in tension and compression—that is, along its axis. Although it might be assumed that the fiber is weak in compression, it  is actually only the long aspect ratio of the fiber which makes it seem so; i.e., because a typical fiber is long and narrow, it buckles easily. On the other hand, the glass fiber is weak in shear—that     is, across its axis. Therefore, if a collection of fibers can be arranged permanently in a preferred direction within a material, and if they can be prevented from buckling in compression, the material will be preferentially strong in that direction.

Furthermore, by laying multiple layers of fiber on top of one another, with each layer oriented in various preferred directions, the material's overall stiffness and strength can be efficiently controlled. In fiberglass, it is the plastic matrix which permanently constrains the structural glass fibers to directions chosen by the designer. With chopped strand mat, this directionality is essentially an entire two dimensional plane; with woven fabrics or unidirectional layers, directionality of stiffness and strength can be more precisely controlled within the plane.
A fiberglass component is typically of a thin "shell" construction, sometimes filled on the inside with structural foam, as in the case of surfboards. The component may be of nearly arbitrary shape, limited only by the complexity and tolerances of the mold used for manufacturing the  shell. The mechanical functionality of materials is heavily relied on the combined performances  of both the resin (AKA matrix) and fibres. For example, in severe temperature condition (over 180 °C) resin component of the composite may lose its functionality partially because of bond deterioration of resin and fibre. However, GFRPs can show still significant residual strength after experiencing high temperature (200 °C).

3.1.3  Types of Glass Fiber

Composition: the most common types of glass fiber used in fiberglass is E-glass, which is alumino-borosilicate glass with less than 1% w/w alkali oxides, mainly used for glass-reinforced plastics. Other types of glass used are A-glass (Alkali-lime glass with little or no boron oxide), E- CR-glass (Electrical/Chemical Resistance; alumino-lime silicate with less than 1% w/w alkali oxides, with high acid resistance), C-glass (alkali-lime glass with high boron oxide content, used for glass staple fibers and insulation), D-glass (borosilicate glass, named for its low Dielectric constant), R-glass (alumino silicate glass without MgO and CaO with high mechanical requirements as Reinforcement), and S-glass (alumino silicate glass without CaO but with high MgO content with high tensile strength).
Naming and use: pure silica (silicon dioxide), when cooled as fused quartz into a glass with no true melting point, can be used as a glass fiber for fiberglass, but has the drawback that it must be worked at very high temperatures. In order to lower the necessary work temperature, other materials are introduced as "fluxing agents" (i.e., components to lower the melting point). Ordinary A-glass ("A" for "alkali-lime") or soda lime glass, crushed and ready to be remelted, as so-called cullet glass, was the first type of glass used for fiberglass. E-glass ("E" because of initial Electrical application), is alkali free, and was the first glass formulation used for continuous filament formation. It now makes up most of the fiberglass production in the world, and also is the single largest consumer of boron minerals globally. It is susceptible to chloride ion attack and

is a poor choice for marine applications. S-glass ("S" for "stiff") is used when tensile strength (high modulus) is important, and is thus an important building and aircraft epoxy composite (it is called R-glass, "R" for "reinforcement" in Europe). C-glass ("C" for "chemical resistance") and T-glass ("T" is for "thermal insulator"—a North American variant of C-glass) are resistant to chemical attack; both are often found in insulation-grades of blown fiberglass.

3.1.4  Table of Some Common Fiber Glass Types

Specific Gravity
Tensile strength MPa (ksi)

55 (7.98)
Compr essive strengt h MPa (ksi)
Polyester resin (Not reinforced)

Polyester and Chopped Strand Mat Laminate 30% E- glass
100 (14.5)
Polyester and Woven Rovings Laminate 45% E-glass
250 (36.3)
Polyester and Satin Weave Cloth Laminate 55% E- glass
300 (43.5)
Polyester and Continuous Rovings Laminate 70% E- glass
800 (116)
E-Glass Epoxy composite
1,770 (257)

S-Glass Epoxy composite
2,358 (342)

Table 3.1 Some Common Fiber Glass Types

3.1.5  Application

Fiberglass is an immensely versatile material due to its light weight, inherent strength, weather- resistant finish and variety of surface textures. The development of fiber-reinforced plastic for commercial use was extensively researched in the 1930s. It was of particular interest to the aviation industry. A means of mass production of glass strands was accidentally discovered in 1932 when a researcher at Owens-Illinois directed a jet of compressed air at a stream of molten glass and produced fibers. After Owens merged with the Corning Company in 1935, Owens Corning adapted the method to produce its patented "Fiberglas" (one "s"). A suitable resin for combining the "Fiberglas" with a plastic was developed in 1936 by du Pont. The first ancestor of modern polyester resins is Cyanamid's of 1942. Peroxide curing systems were used by then. During World War II, fiberglass was developed as a replacement for the molded plywood used in aircraft radomes (fiberglass being transparent to microwaves). Its first main civilian application was for the building of boats and sports car bodies, where it gained acceptance in the 1950s. Its

use has broadened to the automotive and sport equipment sectors. In production of some  products, such as aircraft, carbon fiber is now used instead of fiberglass, which is stronger byvolume     and     weight.     Advanced      manufacturing      techniques      such      as pre-  pregs and fiber roving‘s extend fiberglass's applications and the tensile strength possible with fiber-reinforced   plastics.   Fiberglass   is   also    used    in    the telecommunications industry   for shrouding antennas, due to its RF permeability and low signal attenuation properties. It may also be used to conceal other equipment where no signal permeability is required, such as equipment cabinets and steel support structures, due to the ease with which it can be molded and painted to blend with existing structures and surfaces. Other uses include sheet-form electrical insulators and structural components commonly found in power-industry products.
Because of fiberglass's light weight and durability, it is often used in protective equipment such as helmets. Many sports use fiberglass protective gear, such as goaltenders' and catchers' masks.
Some Common Example of application of glass fiber are

       Storage Tank

       House Building


       Helicopter rotor blades
       Large commercial wind turbine blades

3.2   Metal Shaft: 3.2.1Material

          Mild Steel

Steel is made up of carbon and iron, with much more iron than carbon. In fact, at the most, steel can have about 2.1 percent carbon. Mild steel is one of the most commonly used construction materials. It is very strong and can be made from readily available natural materials. It is known as mild steel because of its relatively low carbon content.

3.2.2    Properties of Mild Steel    Chemical Properties

Mild steel usually contains 40 points of carbon at most. One carbon point is .01 percent of carbon in the steel. This means that it has at most .4 percent carbon. Most steels have other alloying elements other than carbon to give them certain desirable mechanical properties. 1018 steel, a common type of mild steel, contains approximately .6 percent to .9 percent manganese, up to .04 percent phosphorus, and up to .05 percent Sulphur. Varying these chemicals affects properties such as corrosion resistance and strength.    Chemical Composition

Carbon, C
0.25 - 0.290 %
Copper, Cu
Iron, Fe
Manganese, Mn
Phosphorous, P
Silicon, Si
Sulfur, S

Table 3.2 Chemical Composition of Mild Steel    Physical Properties

Physical properties
7.85 g/cm3
0.284 lb/in3

Table 3.3 Physical Properties of Mild Steel    Mechanical Properties

Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength, Ultimate
400 - 550 MPa
58000 - 79800 psi
Tensile Strength, Yield
250 MPa
36300 psi
Elongation at Break (in 200 mm)
Elongation at Break (in 50 mm)
Modulus of Elasticity
200 GPa
29000 ksi
Bulk Modulus (typical for steel)
140 GPa
20300 ksi
Poisson Ratio
Shear Modulus
79.3 GPa
11500 ksi

Table 3.4 Mechanical Properties of Mild Steel    The good points about Mild Steel

          Cost Effective
The least expensive of all steel types, many everyday objects are created using mild steel, including auto-mobile chassis, motorcycle frames and a great deal of cookware. The secret behind its affordability is its carbon content; ranging anywhere between 0.16% and 0.29%, this middle point of the carbon count range means it's strong enough for many jobs without being expensively tensile. When it's required in hefty orders, it can be produced in masse  with a far reduced cost than your other steels, with results you certainly can't argue with.
Unlike high-carbon steel, mild steel can be coalesced with far greater ease. Due  to  the specific properties of the metal, electric currents travel through it without distorting the 'make-up' of the material. This is different to, say stainless steel, where special techniques are needed in order to weld the metal to a professional standard. This cuts down on money spent both on man-hours and electrical costs, with a structural finish to round up its easy  fabrication.
Ductility is the measure of how much a material can be plastically deformed by elongation, without fracture. Materials that are strong in this regard can go more than 15% before they  are permanently deformed and unable to go back to its original shape. Mild steel shares good company in this regard with copper and thermoplastics, able to bend, stretch and have relatively large forces applied to it, making it easier to form, shape and weld.
          Can be Carburized
The major downside to mild steel is that it has a relatively low tensile strength, meaning it'll break more easily under tension than other steels. Luckily, there is a solution. Carburizing is a heat treatment process in which either iron or steel is heated, with carbon liberated as it decomposes. When cooled via 'quenching', the surface is now hard, whilst the core remains soft and tough. This is a great means of enhancing the strength and wear properties of otherwise inexpensive steels, even improving its fatigue strength.

No different than most metals, scrapped mild steel is vital in the production of more of the same. Most steels can be recycled indefinitely without losing their quality, and due to its magnetic properties mild steel is particularly easy to recover from unsorted waste. We definitely advocate recycling your scrap as much as possible, as it's far cheaper than mining the iron ore and processing it to form more.

3.2  Hard Wood

Hardwood is wood from dicot angiosperm trees. The term may also be used for the trees from which the wood is derived; these are usually broad-leaved temperate and tropical forests. In temperate and boreal latitudes they are mostly deciduous, but in tropics and subtropics mostly evergreen. Hardwood contrasts with softwood (which is from gymnosperm trees).

3.2.1    Characteristic of Hard Wood

Hardwoods are produced by angiosperm trees that reproduce by flowers, and have broad leaves. Many species are deciduous. Those of temperate regions lose their leaves every autumn as temperatures fall and are dormant in the winter, but those of tropical regions may shed their leaves in response to seasonal or sporadic periods of drought. Hardwood from deciduous species, such as oak, normally shows annual growth rings, but these may be absent in some tropical hardwoods.Hardwoods have a more complex structure than softwoods and are often much slower growing as a result. The dominant feature separating "hardwoods" from softwoods is the presence of pores, or vessels.[1] The vessels may show considerable variation in size, shape of perforation plates (simple, scalariform, reticulate, foraminate), and structure of cell wall, such as spiral thickenings.As the name suggests, the wood from these trees is generally harder than that of softwoods, but there are significant exceptions. In both groups there is an enormous variation in actual wood hardness, with the range in density in hardwoods completely including that of softwoods; some hardwoods (e.g., balsa) are softer than most softwoods, while yew is an example of a hard softwood.

3.2.2    Application

Hardwoods are produced by angiosperm trees that reproduce by flowers, and have broad leaves. Many species are deciduous. Those of temperate regions lose their leaves every autumn as temperatures fall and are dormant in the winter, but those of tropical regions may shed their leaves in response to seasonal or sporadic periods of drought. Hardwood from deciduous species, such as oak, normally shows annual growth rings, but these may be absent in some tropical hardwoods. Hardwoods have a more complex structure than softwoods and are often much slower

growing as a result. The dominant feature separating "hardwoods" from softwoods is the presence of pores, or vessels.[1] The vessels may show considerable variation in size, shape of perforation plates (simple, scalariform, reticulate, foraminate), and structure of cell wall, such as spiral thickenings. As the name suggests, the wood from these trees is generally harder than that of softwoods, but there are significant exceptions. In both groups there is an enormous variation in actual wood hardness, with the range in density in hardwoods completely including that of softwoods; some hardwoods (e.g., balsa) are softer than most softwoods, while yew is an example of a hard softwood.


Fabrication of Components

4.1.1    Process of Fabrication of Glass Fiber Strips    Hand Layup Process

Hand lay-up molding is used for the production of parts of any dimensions such as technical parts with a surface area of a few square feet, as well as swimming pools as large as 1600 square feet (approx. 150 m²). But this method is generally limited to the manufacture of parts with relatively simple shapes that require only one face to have a smooth appearance (the other face being rough from the molding operation). It is recommended for small and medium volumes requiring minimal investment in molds and equipment.
The contact molding method consists of applying these elements successively onto a mold surface:
-  a release agent,
-  a gel coat,
-  a layer of liquid thermosetting Resin, of viscosity between 0.3 and 0.4 Pa.s, and of medium reactivity,
-  a layer of reinforcement (glass, aramid, carbon, etc.) in the form of chopped strand Mat or woven Roving
Impregnation of the reinforcement is done by hand using a roller or a brush. This operation is repeated for each layer of reinforcement in order to obtain the desired Thickness of the structure.

Figure4.1 Hand lay-up Process of Glass Fiber

Figure4.2 Hand layup process

Material Used

Epoxy, polyester, polyvinyl ester, phenolic resin, unsaturated polyester, polyurethane resin

Glass fiber, carbon fiber, aramid fiber, natural plant fibers (sisal, banana, nettle, hemp, flax, etc.) (All these fibers are in the form of unidirectional mat, bidirectional (woven) mat, stitched into a fabric form, mat of randomly oriented fibers)

Table 4.1 Raw materials used in the hand lay-up method    No of Glass Fiber Strips

          30 of 2.4 inches wide and 15 of  4.8 inches wide    Cutting

       Total Length of the strips = 24 inches

       The width of the strips = 2.4 inches
       Width of the second set strip = 4.8 inches

Thickness = 6

Figure 4.3for strip width 2.4 inch

Figure4.4 for strip width 4.8 inch

Figure4.5 Thickness of Strip

Figure4.6 Cutting of Fibers

4.2.1    Fabricated Component from Mild Steel are    Shaft

       Turning    Cutting

          Total length of the mild steel shaft = 8 inch

          Diameter = 0.787 inch

Figure 4.7 Mild Steel Shaft with Ball Bearing

4.3.1    Wooden Shaft


       Drilling    Dimensions

       Length = 24 inch

       Diameter = 3 inch

Figure4.8 Cad Model of wooden Shaft

Figure4.9 Roughing of Wooden Shaft

4.4.1  Gear Box

The gearing mechanism are used for turbine because the generator used in turbine are required high rpm up to 1000 rpm so our turbine are slow rotating and of high torque so to increase the rpm of the turbine we use a gearing mechanism to provide the required rpm for the generator to produce enough power. The gearing mechanism are composed of spur gear and are made of aluminum.    Gear Types

          Spur gears

Figure 4.10 Spur Gear    Gear Ratio

•     1:180

Figure4.11Internal Gear (Spur Gear)

4.5.1    Shutter (Frame)

       Arc welding    Cutting Process Dimensions

          Height =  32 inch

          Width = 54 inch

           length = 54 inch

Figure 4.12 Metal Cutting

Figure 4.12(a)

4.6.1  Hinges and Locks

Hinges and lock are used for holding the strips they are fitted on the wooden shaft as well as on the front side of the shutter. The material of the hinges are mild steel and total number of hinges and locks used in this project are 60.

Figure4.13Hinge and Lock

Figure4.14Hinges and Locks on Wooden Shaft

4.6.2  Bearing

A bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion to only the desired motion, and diminishes friction between moving parts. The bearing we use are UC204 Ball bearing for shaft rotation.

Figure4.15Bearing with Housing

4.6.3  Dynamometer

          1000 SERIES DC SERVO MOTOR

          Rated Power (DC) = 1000 watt

          Maximum Speed = 2750 rpm




Experimentation and Results Analysis

5.1.1    Measuring Flow Rate

First we find the Flow Rate

We consider two section of the Stream

For first section we find the area

Measurement of Section 1 Width at four points as
Width = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 32m

Depth at four points as

1.21 + 1.52 + 1.52 + 1.21 = 5.46m

The average depth is 5.46  = 1.365m

Now area is equal to total depth multiply total width A = 32 X 1.365 = 43.68 𝑚2
Area for section 2 is

Width at four points are

W = 8.5 + 8.5 + 8.5 + 8.5 = 34 m

Depth at four points are 1.5 + 2 + 2 + 1.5 = 7 m
Now the average depth will be

Depthavg   = = 1.75 m
Now area is equal to average depth multiply total width A = 34 x 1.75 = 59.5 m2
Now we divide the area by two and we get the average area A = 43.68 + 59.5 = 103.18 m2
Aavg   = 51.59 m2

Now we choose the length between two points and float in object between these and note the time of floating object reaching at the end point we float the object three time and note its time and takes its average
The length between two points is L = 20 m
And the constant coefficient for muddy bottom is C = 0.08
And time of floating object is T1 = 50 sec
T2 = 52 sec T3 = 54 sec
The total time is 66 sec and the average time

Tavg   = 52 sec

Now the flow rate is

Flow rate =

A x L x C T

51.59 x 20 x 0.08

= 1.5 m


Now we get the power from this flow rate is

P = 1


P = 1

x 1000 kg
m 3

x 1.21m2x1.5 m


x 0.35 = 317 watt

Where area is the blade length multiply the width Where the reading show in the multimeter is 43 watt
5.1.2    Power for 2nd Flow Rate For Second flow rate the power is First we find the Flow Rate
We consider two section of the Stream For first section we find the area Measurement of Section 1
Width at four points as

Width = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40 m

Depth at four points as

1.5 + 1.52 + 1.52 + 1.5 = 6.04 m

The average depth is 6.04  = 1.51 m

Now area is equal to total depth multiply total width A = 40 X 1.51 = 60.4 𝑚2

Area for section 2 is

Width at four points are

W = 10.5 + 10.5 + 10.5 + 10.5 = 42 m

Depth at four points are 1.5 + 2 + 2 + 1.5 = 7 m
Now the average depth will be

Depthavg   = = 1.75 m
Now area is equal to average depth multiply total width A = 42 x 1.75 = 73.5 m2
Now we divide the area by two and we get the average area A = 60.4 + 73.5 =  138.9 m2
Aavg   = 66.95 m2

Now we choose the length between two points and float in object between these and note the time of floating object reaching at the end point we float the object three time and note its time and takes its average
The length between two points is L = 20 m
And the constant coefficient for muddy bottom is C = 0.08
And time of floating object is T1 = 35 sec
T2 = 37 sec

T3 = 39 sec

The total time is 111 sec and the average time

Tavg   = 37 sec

Now the flow rate is

Flow rate =

A x L x C T

66.95 x 20 x 0.08

= 2.8 m


Now we get the power from this flow rate is

P = 1


P = 1

x 1000 kg
m 3

x 1.21m2x 2.8 m


x 0.35 = 592 watt

Where area is the blade length multiply the width Where the reading show in the multimeter is 57 watt



Graph 5.1Between Power and Flow Rate


Current Status and Future Perspectives

6.1 Future Recommendation

Ocean energy has the potential to play a significant role in the future energy system, whilst contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions and stimulating economic growth in coastal and remote areas. Ocean energy has attracted increasing interest, particularly in the EU, which is currently at the forefront of ocean energy development. Tidal and Wave  energy represents the two most advance types of ocean energy technologies. In the EU, the aim is to reach 100 GW of combined wave and tidal capacity installed by 2050. In order to achieve these targets the sector needs to overcome a series of challenges and barriers with regards to technology readiness, financing and market establishment, administrative and environmental issues and the availability of grid connections especially in remote areas. Currently these barriers are hindering the sector‘s progress; its ability to attract inwards investments and to engage with the supply chain to unlock cost-reduction mechanisms. A number of policy initiatives and mechanisms have been put in place to ensure that ocean energy technologies could become cost-competitive in the short term, in order to exploit the benefits that these technologies could provide to the EU.The potential associated with ocean energy technology, in terms of security of supply, economic growth and reduction of CO2 emissions has fostered an increasing interest in supporting the development of ocean energy technology and the establishment of ocean energy markets globally The ocean energy sector comprises a number of different technologies, namely tidal energy, wave energy, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) and salinity gradient, designed to harness power contained in our seas and oceans and convert it to renewable low-carbon electricity. To date, tidal and wave energy technology represents the most advanced ocean energy technologies, and those expected to become commercially viable in the short-medium term. Despite the increased interested as demonstrated by political initiatives, such as the European Commission Communication ‗‗Blue Energy Action needed to deliver on the potential of ocean energy in European seas and oceans by 2020 and beyond‘‘ ocean energy deployments are proceeding at lower pace than expected and the ocean energy market is still to be established. In Europe, targets set by Member States (MS) in the 2009 National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs) expect wave and tidal energy capacity to reach 2250 MW or about 0.5% of the total installed electricity capacity in  the  EU  by 2020. The  sector  aims  to install  100  GW  of wave  and tidal

energy capacity by 2050 Nomenclature ADEME Agence de l‘Environnement et de la Maitrise de l‘Energie ARENA Australian Renewable Energy Agency CAPEX Capital Expenditure CRI Commercial Readiness Index DOE US Department of Energy EC European Commission EII European Industrial Initiative ENR Syndicate des Energies Renouvelables ETI Energy Technologies Institute EU European Union EVE Ente Vasco de la Energia FAI Fundo de Apoio à Inovação HAT Horizontal-axis turbines IEC International Electro technical Commission JRC Joint Research Centre KPIs key performance indicators LCOE levelised cost of energy MEAD Marine Energy Array Demonstrator MRCF Marine Renewables Commercialization Fund MRPF Marine Renewables Proving Fund MS Member States NER300 New Entrant Reserve NREAPs National Renewable Energy Action Plans OEM Original Equipment Manufacturers OPEX Operational Expenditure OTEC ocean thermal energy conversion PTO Power Take-Off PV Photovoltaic R&D Research and Development RD&D Research, Development and Demonstration REIF Renewable Energy Investment Fund ROCs Renewable Obligation Certificates SEAI Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland, See SET-Plan Strategic Energy Technologies Plan TEC Tidal Energy Converter TIP European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy TRLs Technology Readiness Levels WEC wave energy converter D. Magana, A. Uihlein / International Journal of Marine Energy 11 (2015) 84–104 85. However, current forecasts estimate a global installed capacity of only about 170 MW by 2020, which represents only 7% of the NREAPs targets. The slow growth of the sector and delays in the formation of the market have forced key developers and OEM to either downsize, withdraw, or abandon their interest in developing ocean energy technology. On the other hand, in 2014 the sector has also witnessed encouraging signs with the announcement of the construction of the first tidal array project, which is expected in 2016 in the United Kingdom and ongoing construction of two wave energy projects in Australia and Sweden. The announcement of the awards for the second NER 300 call has seen the number of ocean energy arrays expected to be deployed in European waters by 2018 or earlier rising to four, in addition, a 10 MW OTEC plant will be built in Martinique. Furthermore, the first tidal lagoon project is currently underway, and a 50 kW salinity gradient pilot-plant began operation in the Netherlands. The ocean energy market is still in its infancy, and the sector has to overcome a number or challenges to prove the reliability and affordability of its technologies. This paper presents current state of play of ocean energy in 2014, focusing mainly on European developments. Emphasis is given primarily to wave and tidal energy technologies, which currently represent the most advanced forms of ocean energy. Furthermore, in terms of electricity production, wave and tidal energy are expected to make the

most significant contribution in the near future, thanks to the availability and wealth of resources, particularly along the Atlantic coast.[28]

6.2.1  European Policy Context

The EU is currently at the forefront of ocean energy technology development, and currently hosts more than 50% of tidal energy and about 45% of wave energy developers. To date, the majority  of ocean energy infrastructure such as ocean energy test centres and deployment sites are also located in European waters as shown in Figure 6.1
In order to support the growth and development of the ocean energy sector, in January 2014 the European Commission launched the Blue Energy Communication [3], which has highlighted the expected contribution of ocean energy in Europe, as well as setting a framework for the development and uptake of the ocean energy technologies by 2020 and beyond. The communication laid out a two-phase implementation plan which was initiated with the creation of the Ocean Energy Forum, a platform to bring together ocean energy actors and stakeholders to discuss common issues and identify viable solutions for the sector. The main output expected from the Ocean Energy Forum is to feed the development of a strategic roadmap defining targets for the industrial development of the sector and a clear timeframe for its implementation. The second phase (2017–2020) of the action plan foresees possibly the creation of a European Industrial Initiative (EII) for Ocean Energy, as already put in place by other renewable sectors (e.g. wind), within the SET-Plan framework.[29]

Figure 6.1 Wave (left) and tidal (right) energy maps, identifying technology developers (in purple)and dedicated infrastructures in red

6.2.2  Main Barriers to Ocean Energy

Ocean energy technologies face four main bottlenecks: technology development, finance and markets, environmental and administrative issues, and grid availability. In the context of the Blue Energy Communication, the Ocean Energy Forum has been asked to focus on first three topics;

however grid issues are a rising concern among ocean energy stakeholders and developers who are looking to develop larger projects (>20 MW). Currently, technological barriers represent the most important issue that the ocean energy sector needs to address in the short–medium term. Technology issues account for about 35% of the key priorities for the wave and tidal energy industries, and should be addressed with high priority in the next 12–18 months. Overcoming technology issues is fundamental to identifying solutions to the other barriers slowing the sector‘s development, in particular financial hurdles.  Technology Development

Despite recent progress, no ocean energy technology developed has so far achieved the level of technological readiness required to be competitive with other RES or sufficient to ensure commercialization of the technology. One of the key issues that ocean energy developers need to address concerns the reliability and the performances of ocean energy devices; which are  designed to operate in demanding environments and the lack of long-term reliability of currently hinders the roll-out of the technologies. Thus far, only few tidal energy devices have proven extensive operational records by employing components largely based on technology employed  in the wind energy industry thus benefitting from know-how and knowledge transfer. Critical components and sub-components, such as power take off (PTO), power electronics gearbox and moorings, play a significant role in ensuring overall device reliability. Wave energy designs, however, have not benefitted from such experience and most of the technology developed is still largely unproven and require further R&D, innovation and prototype testing and demonstration to achieve the required levels of reliability. Another aspect that needs to be taken into account  relates to the survivability of the devices, especially during storms or extreme conditions. A number of wave energy devices are being designed to operate in high-resource environments  (>50 kW/m), where they will be exposed to strong wave regimes; however most of the deployment thus far have taken place in benign or mild-resource environments. It is therefore necessary that innovative designs and materials are employed to ensure the long-term  survivability of devices. The lack of design consensus among ocean energy devices constitutes a further technological hurdle that the sector should overcome, relating both to overall converters design and to their components. Tidal technologies are showing increasing design and component convergence, in particular with regards to the most advanced prototypes; a commonality which is still not witnessed within the wave energy sector. Achieving design consensus is essential to secure the engagement of the supply chain and unlock cost-reduction mechanisms through economy of scales. Tidal energy technologies are expected to become commercially viable before

wave energy; having shown higher design consensus among them, a more engaged supply chain, and having demonstrated reliability and survivability through extensive testing and operational hours. Detail information on technology specific barriers are discussed further within the paper. Existing barriers are daunting the development of ocean energy, whose technologies are currently too expensive and unreliable to compete with other renewable and conventional technologies. Presents and overview of the levelised cost of energy (LCOE) for different energy generating technologies. The high costs associated with ocean energy technologies combined with the unproven status of the technologies have hindered investors‘ confidence in the sector. There is a clear need for the sectorto identify ways to facilitate technology development and deployment, to reduce the associated risk for investors; thus ensuring that wave and tidal technologies could reduce their costs and achieve competiveness with other renewable energy sources. Developing and implementing technology-specific funds and key performance indicators (KPIs) ensures that technology development can happen without placing excessive expectations or unrealistic targets on a particular technology, thus reducing risk for both developers and investors. In this context, the Integrated Energy Roadmap initiative launched by the European Commission (EC) has already identified KPIs defined for the whole sector. The development of standards, such as the one being developed by the International Electro technical Commission (IEC), which clearly define required levels of survivability and reliability for each TRL, would provide a clearer indication of the development of the technologies, as they improve towards commercialization. Nevertheless, in order to facilitate the progression of ocean energy technology to higher TRLs, it is also necessary to ensure that increased innovation and research efforts can take place, that best practice sharing is encouraged to spread the risk among stakeholders and that the development of test center’s is supported. Activities and actions are currently being undertaken at global, regional and national levels. Key activities are summarized in Table 6.1

Figure 6.2 LCOE for alternative and conventional  energy technologies.  Calculation based on Solid bars indicate current cost ranges, while shaded bars indicate expected future cost reductions.

More than 50% of global RD&D investments in wave and tidal energy projects are in the EU. Europe invested EUR 125 million in 2011 for R&D in ocean energy half of this investment came from industry and about a fifth from EU funds. 70% of EU R&D funding was dedicated to technology R&D. The total R&D investment in ocean energy is about 10% of that for offshore wind. In addition, 5 demonstration projects have been awarded EUR 142 million from the NER 300 programmer. In 2011, wave energy attracted 58% of corporate investments, reflecting the  role that this technology could play along the European coast; tidal energy attracted the remaining 42%. Support mechanisms for emerging technologies need to be implemented with adequate timing in view of the market maturity of the technology. While more technology-oriented mechanisms are needed during the first stages of technology development, market-push and market-pull instruments have to come to play at a later stage. Taking into account the current technological status of ocean

Ocean Energy Forum Ocean Energy Europe
TP ocean
The Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy is coordinating the technology stream of the Ocean Energy Forum. The stream has been divided in four main technological working groups, addressing: measurement and data, logistics and operations, prime movers, and components/subcomponents. Each working group is working to priorities a series of topics that require R&D actions
Ocean Energy System
Annex II
This annex aims to develop recommended practices for testing and evaluation of ocean energy systems, to enhance the comparability of experimental results. The work is separated into three main tasks, addressing site data, device development and guidelines for open-sea testing of devices.

Annex V
Annex V looks at facilitating the exchange and assessment of project information and experience from test centres. This work plays an important part in information sharing, to accelerate the technical understanding of ocean energy conversion technologies
IRENA comprises 135 states, and has recently produced a series of policy and innovation recommendations for ocean energy development
OceaneraNET is an FP7 project comprising the research councils of different EU Member States. The project launched its first call for applications specific to technology development of ocean energy converters in October 2014
MaRINET is an FP7 project comprising 42 partners, providing access to experimental facilities across Europe at different scales for testing, research and optimization of  wind, wave and tidal energy technologies

Table 6.1 Concerted Activities and Actions to overcome Ocean Energy Technological Challenges

Figure 6.3 Support mechanisms according to market maturity and deployment level. Full circles represent technology frontrunners, hollow circles represent the general market maturity or each technology Source

Energy, only leading tidal energy technologies have shown to be at a stage where market push mechanisms could help the uptake of the technology (Fig 6.3). The sector is at a critical stage, while market leaders are reaching financial close for the deployment of pre-commercial arrays; securing investment for demonstration and pilot arrays remains one of the main challenges the ocean energy sector currently faces, mainly due to high CAPEX for the first arrays. Public  funding and financial support for ocean energy technologies is still needed. An overview of the public support mechanisms implemented in EU Member States is presented in Table 2. The level of public support available, through both market push and market pull mechanisms appears to be adequate to the current state of technology development and maturity of ocean energy technologies. Existing mechanisms are ready to accommodate the creation of the tidal energy market,while providing support to wave and emerging ocean energy technologies. The wide spectrum of mechanisms available allows policy makers and developers to match funding schemes with the current technology level.

6.3  Environmental and Administrative Issues

The nascent status of the ocean energy sector yields a number of unknowns with regards to the potential environmental impacts that ocean energy converters may have on the  surrounding marine environment. The uncertainties in identifying and mitigating environmental and socio- economic impacts coupled with current licensing procedures, which were not implemented to assess ocean energy technologies, constitute one of the mayor barriers to ocean energy development, including

6.3.1  Environmental Issues

Developers may face stringent and costly monitoring requirements, in particular in relation with the size of the project; additionally monitoring is often required before and after consent. Regulatory authorities often adopt a conservative approach by enforcing extensive monitoring requirements on developments, when unsure of potential impacts.

6.3.2  Administrative Issues

Procedures to obtain full consent are often lengthy, delaying the project development. Furthermore at EU level there is a lack of uniform procedures with regards to licensing and consenting.

6.3.3  Social Acceptance Issues

Ocean energy deployments could experience significant delays and opposition from local communities if these are not correctly engaged.


Trend of Wave Energy and Tidal Turbine 2018

Figure 6.4 Expected tidal developments until 2018

Figure 6.5 Expected wave developments until 2018


Despite a high potential associated with ocean energy worldwide, the electricity production from ocean energy is negligible. Tidal and wave energy are currently the most advanced types of ocean energy technologies, but have not yet achieved the level of reliability, feasibility and survivability of other mature renewable technologies to become a viable energy source. In order to promote the development of ocean energy technologies, concerted efforts are needed to overcome the existing barriers. The development of ocean energy technologies is hindered by four main bottlenecks: technology development, finance and markets, environmental and administrative issues and grid availability. At EU and global level a number of initiatives are providing ocean energy developer‘s different platforms to overcome existing barriers. Concerted efforts by industry, academia along with the support of policy makers will be fundamental to identify common solutions that would allow the establishment of the ocean energy market. In the EU, existing and available mechanisms appear to be adequate to sustain the growth of the sector, though it is essential they can be tailored to the needs of the various technologies and their status. The implementation of technology-specific support mechanisms and achievable KPIs could provide further scope for the progress of ocean energy technology. The harmonization of policy mechanisms and consenting process at MS level is expected to help the sector overcoming administrative and environmental issues; while the shift towards an integrated European Energy system may provide the required support in overcoming infrastructural barriers with regards to grid availability. From a policy standpoint, 2014 was a key year for the sector with the  publication of the Blue Energy Communication, followed up by the launch of the Ocean Energy Forum and the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy). These initiatives provide a framework for the sector to address common issues and identify common solutions towards the commercialization of its technologies. In addition, the number of ocean energy arrays supported by the EU NER 300 programmed expected to be operational by 2018 has risen to five. On the other hand, the slow technological progress combined with difficulties in attracting funds and financing for first of a kind array demonstration projects is hindering investors‘ confidence in the sector. The high risk associated with projects coupled with delays in market-formation have forced key developers and OEM to either downsize or withdraw their interest in the developing ocean energy technologies. Furthermore, only about 170 MW of ocean energy are expected to be operational globally by 2020. The ocean energy market is still in its infancy, and its creation requires developers to prove the reliability of their technologies by increasing operational hours and the development of demonstration arrays. Currently 30 tidal companies  and  45  wave  energy  companies  are  at  an  advanced  stage  of  development.    An

increasing number of technologies are nearing pre-commercial array demonstration. The Meygen is the first large tidal energy project that has reached financial close and it is expected to be operational by 2016. Wave energy demonstration arrays are currently being developed in Australia and Europe. Taking into account the existing pipeline of ocean energy projects which have been awarded funds, Europe could see up to about 57 MW of tidal and 26 MW of wave energy capacity installed operational by 2020. Europe represents the main hub for R&D on ocean energy technologies. A number of policies and mechanisms have been put in place to support the development of ocean energy, both at EU and MS level. The successful establishment of the ocean energy market requires that incentive policies and strategies are matched to the actual level of technology maturity, and that lessons learned are shared among developers and policymakers in order to remove administrative barriers and streamline consenting.


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